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A teen navigates a bitter feud between his willful mom and a free-spirited man, whos the lover and insurance beneficiary of his recently deceased dad. Directed by Ryan Murphy and written by Larry Kramer, based on his play of the same name, The Normal Heart follows gay men in New York City during the 80’s HIV-AIDS crisis. Film DAS SOMMERHAUS The Summer House Germany-2019 This is not love 69K views 1:29:11. Alex Strangelove (2018)Īll at once joyous, raunchy and disarmingly poignant, this Netflix original movie stars Daniel Doheny as Alex Truelove, a deeply closeted high school senior who loves his girlfriend Claire ( Madeline Weinstein), but is overwhelmed with confusion when he falls for a handsome, comfortably out boy named Elliot ( Antonio Marziale). Starring: Roy Chiu, Hsieh Ying-xuan, Joseph Huang. Related: Netflix’s Alex Strangelove Is An Edgy, Touching Dramedy About Finding Yourself 8.

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Last year’s most invigorating LGBT film was this French story of the Act Up movement fighting the AIDS epidemic in France in the early 1980s.

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Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman, James Corden, Keegan-Michael Key, Andrew Rannells, Kerry Washington and Jo Ellen Pellman star in Ryan Murphy‘s splashy adaptation of Matthew Sklar‘s 2018.

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The feel-good story follows four former Broadway stars who travel to the small conservative town of Edgewater to assist a lesbian teen banned from bringing her girlfriend to the prom.

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